Stroke Care
When a patient comes to the hospital with stroke symptoms, it's crucial to make a proper diagnosis quickly in order to begin treatment to minimize the effects of a stroke. The stroke care team at Lake Norman Regional Medical Center delivers potentially life-saving care for ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes, and can recommend treatment options such as:
- Angioplasty and stent placement to open blocked arteries and veins
- Embolizing agents (clotting medications) delivered by catheter to stop blood flow resulting from hemorrhagic strokes
- Thrombolitic therapy deliver clot-dissolving medicine to treat ischemic strokes
- Minimally invasive surgery to remove a clot, or repair arteries and veins
Following a stroke, rehabilitation care is there to help individuals regain their independence. The multidisciplinary rehabilitation team at Lake Norman Regional Medical Center provides caring, personalized assistance to help patients meet their goals.
The mission of Lake Norman Regional Medical Center's stroke program is to provide our region with quality stroke care through the utilization of technology, medical professionals and the use of evidence based practice. This includes increasing public awareness and providing appropriate treatment in a timely manner in order to enhance the quality of life for our patients.
Lake Norman Regional Medical Center's stroke program includes community education with a focus on awareness and prevention, early diagnosis, therapeutic interventions, continued rehabilitation services and rapid transfer to a tertiary care facility if appropriate.