Non-Surgical Intragastric Balloon
For patients looking for a less invasive solution, or have as little as 30 pounds to lose, the endoscopic balloon may be an option for you. The intragastric balloon received FDA approval in the United States and has been performed more than 220,000 times worldwide throughout the last 20 years. At Surgical Weight Loss and Advanced General Surgery Langtree, Dr. Heider is one of the first in North Carolina to perform this procedure.
How It Works
Patients are often relieved to learn that the balloon does not require any incisions and can be inserted under mild sedation. The balloon is inserted endoscopically (through the mouth), placed in the stomach and then filled with sterile saline. The volume of the newly placed balloon occupies a large part of the stomach, creating a sense of fullness after consuming much less food.
The balloon is a part of a one year program of dietary modifications, exercise and education design to promote long term maintenance of weight loss. The balloon is left in the stomach for six months, at which point it is removed.
Most of the weight loss occurs in the first three months. During the six month course of treatment with the balloon in place, as well as the second month period after balloon removal, patients will undergo lifestyle and behavior modification that will train their minds and bodies to keep the weight off.
Procedure Highlights
- After six months with the balloon two-part program, people lost an average of 3.1 times more weight than other patients lost with diet and exercise alone.
- Custom support provided by team experts.
- Learn healthy habits to help you keep the weight off even after the balloon is removed.
- More than 20-year history of helping thousands of people lose weight, with more than 220,000 devices implanted worldwide in 80+ countries.
Take the Next Step
We offer a free informational seminar to help you determine if this gastric balloon procedure is the right option for you. During the seminar, you will meet Dr. Heider and members of his weight-loss team, ask questions and get answers regarding this minimally invasive procedure.
Register for an In-Person Seminar Register for an Online Seminar
Patient results may vary. Consult your physician about the benefits and risks of any surgical procedure or treatment.