The Surgical Center at Lake Norman
Even minor surgery gives many of us cause for concern. At The Surgical Center at Lake Norman, we understand and address your apprehension by surrounding you with knowledgeable and caring staff the moment you walk through the door. We provide comfortable surgical suites, advanced technology and equipment and a board-certified anesthesiologist who is by your side throughout your entire procedure. The surgical staff is dedicated to patient care and takes pride in our patients' health and well being.
Lake Norman Regional Medical Center, located in Mooresville, North Carolina, is conveniently located directly off of one of the state's major interstates, I-77. Simply take Exit 33 east, and turn right at the hospital sign. Follow the road around; it will become Fairview Road, and the hospital will be on your left.
The Surgical Center at Lake Norman
131 Medical Park Dr., Ste. 100
Mooresville, NC 28117
(704) 660-4570